Manicures and Pedicures

Manicures & Pedicures in our Oxford Beauty Salon

By choosing MAVALA as our premiere manicure and pedicure treatment range we believe we offer our clients the world's best in natural nail care and colour.


MAVALA manicures & Pedicures - Read more PRICE
MAVALA Classic Manicure £42.00**
MAVALA Classic Pedicure £46.00**
MAVALA Luxury Manicure* £55.00**
MAVALA Luxury Pedicure* £58.00**
MAVALA Re-shape and polish Hands £27.00
MAVALA Re-shape and polish Toes £27.00
MAVALA Polish only £14.00
For French polish add £5 to above prices.
Prices marked with a** include the bottle of polish to take away. If you do not wish to take the polish with you price is reduced by £1. *with exfoliation & paraffin wax
Nail art is available on request.  Prices from £5 per nail.  Please request at time of booking
Bio Sculpture Evo gel manicures and pedicures - Click here fore more info
Evo gel is a soft gel which ensures your natural nail is kept as healthy as possible. Soft gel polish will not adhere to the natural nail if any products (oils, creams, balms, scrubs) are used prior to application. We can soak your feet in warm water for up to 2 minutes and rasp your feet before treatment but we cannot apply any creams or use products. All cuticle work and nail filing is included.
Bio Sculpture Evo Gel Manicure £45.00
Bio Sculpture Evo Gel Pedicure £47.00
For French polish add £5.00 to above prices. For removal plus any other treatment please add £13 to the above prices. Nail Art available. Please request at time of booking. From £5 per nail
Calluspeeling when added to any other foot treatment £25.00
Calluspeeling 30 minute treatment on its own £36.00

Read more about our MAVALA Manicures & Pedicures by clicking here.

Mavala Switzerland

We also offer the Biosculpture  Evo Gel nail treatment at our Oxford and Henley beauty salons, for a chip resistant, flawless, glossy polish that lasts for up to 3 weeks. With no buffing required your natural nail is protected and strengthened.

Biosculpture Evo Gel Nails