New to Cannelle Oxford – Microblading!

Microblading now available in our Oxford Beauty Salon

Microblading is like tattooing but the pigment fades with time, hence the term ‘semi-permanent’ make up. We do not use machines, we use a hand tool called a micro blade pen and all shading is done by hand. This ensures precise, perfect detail for natural looking results.

Please allow 2 hours treatment time (preparation/planning takes significant part of this time)

Colour usually drops between 30-40% after first session.

First Treatment (two sessions 4 weeks apart) normal price £350 2019 LAUNCH PRICE £280! (£80 deposit required)
Up to 12 months touch up £180
Up to 18 months touch up £250
After 18 months £350

Perfect Brows, all day every day!
Using Biotek Brow Pigment

See our Microblading Treatment page.

Microblading before and after photos

Microblading at Cannelle Medispa Oxford